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Community Support


As a project that is driven by independent artists this production relies on community support. Our Kickstarter campaign aims to cover two major financial needs. 


Hollywood Fringe Fees

To participate in the 2024 Hollywood Fringe Festival, there are 5 major fees/ costs associated:

1. Registration Fee ($295- single fee)

2. Venue Rental Fee ($1,050- single fee)

3. Tech Rehearsal ($200/ 4 hours at $50 per hr.)

4. Insurance ($150- single fee)

5. Board Operator ($200/ tech and performances)

Participation Cost: $1,895

Equitable Pay for Artists

In an effort to remain aligned with my values as a creator and mental health professional I am striving for this production to be revolutionarily transparent, equitable and trustworthy. The type of work involved with creating a play like this in a city like Los Angeles is doubly challenging. Despite this, DISSENT aims raise enough funds to ensure that our production can be presented at this summer's Edinburgh Fringe Festival and that box office earnings can be split fairly among all actors involved. Often, we as artists are not able to take monetary risks in a competitive, currency-driven industry which measures value by counting views, sales and popularity. Consider donating to our Kickstarter to secure a pre-sale ticket to support this work.



La Montagne Sainte Victoire vue des Lauves,1901 – 06, Paul Cézanne

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