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What is dramatherapy?

Dramatherapy Institute of Los Angeles provides a clear, concise definition: Dramatherapy is the intentional use of drama and or theater processes to achieve therapeutic goals.


DTILA expands this further to give insight to the nature of the work:


"Drama therapy is active and experiential. This approach can provide the context for participants to shape their stories, set goals, solve problems, express feelings, and achieve catharsis. Through drama, the depth and breadth of inner experience can be actively explored and interpersonal relationship skills can be enhanced. Participants can expand their repertoire of dramatic roles to find that their own life-roles have been strengthened.Behavior change, skill building, emotional and physical integration, and personal growth can be achieved through drama therapy in prevention, intervention, treatment, and educational settings."


Learn more about Dramatherapy and Narradrama here


What is Internal Family Systems?

From the authors of Internal Family Systems:


"IFS®  is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. IFS®  is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS®  creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts. "


Learn more about IFS and the creator Richard Schwartz here

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